My Best Friend Eric

26 Feb


I was six years old when Eric came to live with us. I was an only child and my parents thought I needed some company, someone to play with. I told them I wanted a brother. All my friends had brothers and sisters and I always felt as if I was the odd one out.

I sat watching TV waiting for my mum and dad to come back, it was some silly programme for grown ups. It didn’t matter to me though, I was wondering, ‘what will Eric be like, will I get on with him, will he like me, will he think of me as his brother’. Lots of things were going through my mind.

I heard dad’s car car pull into the drive and dashed to the window. I watched as my mother opened the back door and gently helped Eric out of the back seat, He was beautiful. I watched him as he walked up the path, his copper brown hair shining in the evening sun, even from a distance his dark amber eyes sparkled. Yet they seemed to have a sadness about them, as if he was wary, wary of his new family, I couldn’t wait to meet him.

”Tony this is Eric,” said my mother as they came through the door.

”Hello Eric,” I said nervously. He looked at me as if to say, ‘will you be my friend.‘ I walked over to him and smiled, I looked into his sparkling brown eyes and touched the side of his cheek. I’m sure he smiled back at me, but maybe that was my imagination. I wanted him to like me. Eric was one year older than me, and although he couldn’t speak his hearing was as sharp as a razor.

”Can we share the same bedroom mum?” I asked.

”Of course you can Tony, your bedroom is big enough”

”Oh great mum! C’mon Eric let me show you our bedroom.”


As we grew older Eric was so protective of me and followed me everywhere. I wondered sometimes if his last home had been so bad that he just wanted to be loved. He couldn’t tell me because he couldn’t speak, but I told him every day how much I loved him. Even though he couldn’t reply I could see in his eyes what he would have said if he could.

Every day Eric would wait for me after school and we would walk home together. Walking through the park was where we had the most fun, laughing and playing as we made our way home. I remember one summer’s day when I was about eight or nine, Eric climbed up a tree and got his leg caught between two branches. He was stuck and I had to climb up and pull the branches apart to release him. He tumbled down and fell on top of me as we hit the soft grass below. His leg had got caught inside my coat pocket and we rolled around on the grass caught up in each other, I couldn’t stop laughing, it was so funny.

Another time, as we were walking home, Eric had gone down to the side of the lake to look at the ducks and swans, he was always fascinated by them. A gang of Bullies from the school saw me and thinking I was alone started to torment me. Eric saw them from a distance and came running over. The bullies fled before Eric was back by my side. They didn’t want any trouble with Eric, he’d grown strong and was much more muscular than they were.


It’s a year now since Eric was taken away from me. He was only fourteen, the same age as I am now. I knew something strange was happening to him because the day before he’d been following me everywhere and seemed to be wanting more affection than normal. We’d gone to bed at our usual time and I was almost asleep. I felt Eric slide into bed beside me. He put his head next to mine on the pillow and rubbed his nose against my ear. I could feel his soft warm breath against my neck, it was a lovely feeling and sent a tingle through my body. I put my arm around him and gave him a hug before I fell asleep against his soft warm body.

I woke to the sound of him crying. He was laid on the floor in the corner of the bedroom. I’d never heard him cry before so I went over and tried to help him up but he couldn’t stand.

”Mum dad quick!” I shouted. ”There’s something wrong with Eric.

Mum and dad came rushing into the room and tried to help him to his feet but he just kept collapsing back onto the floor.

My dad looked at me.

”I’m sorry Tony but it’s time for Eric to leave.”

”What do you mean leave!” I was in a daze, ”he can’t leave me, he’s my best friend.”

Mum put her arms around me.

”Tony love,” she said softly, tears rolling down her cheeks, ”dogs have to say goodbye to us sooner than we want them to, God only allows us to have them for a short time. That time is precious and now Eric needs to rest.”

I watched dad carry Eric to the car and lay him on the back seat. With his proud German Shepherd head and his copper brown hair he still looked as beautiful as the day he came to live with us, even his eyes still had that same sparkle.

I managed to hold back the tears as I knelt down and kissed him goodbye. He lifted his head and looked at me as if to say ‘thank you for being my friend Tony’.

I’ll never forget my best friend Eric.